Friday, July 27, 2012

Well much more had changed in the last two months! My belly has been growing and I'm in my second trimester. How'd that happen so fast?! We have had a couple ultrasounds since I lasted posted. 

10 weeks
14 weeks
We are really excited that we only have one more month til we find out the sex of the baby. Sure hope it's a little boy! Also, very excited that Grandma Tanya will be coming down when we find out too! I know Sophie will enjoy having grandma around for a week. We are anxious to see how Sophie will be being a big sister. She is definitely keeping me busy with this pregnancy :)

For Father's Day, Josh had a nice relaxing day. Sophie made a handprint out of clay for him (which he hung next to his side of the bed, so he can look at it all the time), he got his first professional massage, and we went to Texas Roadhouse! He enjoyed a nice 32 oz T-bone steak... It lasted him a couple meals. Hehe. 
First Father's Day!

The weather here has been getting VERY hot, so we have been swimming a lot and setting up Sophie's inflatable pool in the front yard. She loves the water! She splashes and kicks all around and has a great time. 

Sophie has changed so much. It's sad how fast she is growing :( At her 6 month checkup, she went up in all the percentiles. She is in the 99th percentile for weight, height, and head circumference. So for all the babies her age--she is officially the chubbiest one of them all! At 7 1/2 months, she is now 25 pounds! She is sitting up by herself now, eating the "textures" baby food, using the big girl tub now, saying "Ma Ma" and "Ba Ba", and.....CRAWLING! So time to baby proof everything. Josh was a little sad she didn't say "Da Da" first, but I was happy it was "Ma Ma" :) 

It was popsicle day at my school, so I brought home a Fudgsicle and Sophie was loving it, if you cant tell by all the chocolate drool on her face :)

Her favorite activity, playing with all my kitchen utensils. 
Just hangin' out

We walked in the Riverfest parade for my school
Sadly, one of Josh's best friends, Alex, moved out of Kansas. Josh was really sad that he left. I think Sophie was too cause she loved him :) But luckily we will be joining him soon in England!
Saying goodbye to "Uncle" Alex

"We'll see ya soon buddy!"

Well, I've been real busy with school. Can't believe I've already done three months of the program already. All the studying has definitely been making this pregnancy go by a lot faster. I've learned how to do many things so far, my favorites are taking x-rays and making whitening trays. I made whitening trays for my first patient the other day, really made me feel like a dental assistant already :) I'm meeting with the Commander of the Dental Clinic on base soon, hoping I get my internship there--that way when Josh comes in for a cleaning I can torture him in the chair ;) Hehe. I got a week Summer break the beginning of July, so Sophie and I flew out to Yuma to see Grandpa Tony and Grandma Vern! 

Sophie saying bye to daddy at the airport!
Sophie's first 4th of July! 

Cousin Chloe

Chloe liked to hang around me just like last time. She's such a cutie! 

Yummy cake! Thanks Vern!

I was so excited my niece, Emma Marie was born on my birthday! Just one more reason for me to look forward to that day.I am so excited to get to share it with her :)

We had a GREAT trip. Sophie got to spend lots of time with Grandpa! We had fun swimming a few times, Sophie can't get enough of the water! On the fifth for my birthday, Tony and Vern scheduled me a massage for my present. It was so relaxing! Than we went out to a yummy Japanese dinner, and ended the night with a cake and cards games. Sophie got to go on daily walks with Grandpa. We had an amazing time while we there, especially when Sophie would take a nap and me and Grandpa Tony would watch the Hallmark Channel. :) He took some great pictures of our trip, I will post them when I get them!

When we left, Sophie left her handprint on the wall so Grandpa could look at it all the time. He drove us to the airport in Mesa. After my flight was delayed 3 hours and we sat on the plane for another hour waiting to leave--we were beyond exhausted. Luckily, I had Tony's help with Sophie while we were waiting because I was not feeling good from baby #2. He walked her in the stroller everywhere. When we got in the line to board the plane, it was so sad having to say goodbye. As soon as we walked out the door and onto the flight line, everyone was walking to the plane. Grandpa Tony was standing by the window so we walked over to say bye one last time. He had his hands up against the glass, and Sophie rested her hands on the other side of glass exactly where his were. It was so bittersweet! Such the perfect goodbye to a great trip :) 

While we were gone, Josh spent his time out on the river fishing with his friends. He didn't catch what he was looking for, but decided to grab this out of the water....

I had the pleasure of watching him and his friend killing this in our backyard. While his friend "dissected" this, I got to see all his organs and the goldfish still in it's stomach they caught him with. It was pretty fascinating :) 

Josh has got sent on a few TDY's in the last two months. He got to go to Mildenhall, where we will be living in February. It was nice he was able to check out the area before we get there. He just got back from a trip in Alaska, he didn't get to fishing like he had planned but still had a fun trip seeing the Alaskan pipeline and stepping into the Arctic Cirle. He finally got to go to Japan, but only got to fly over it. 

July 10th was our two year anniversary! Sophie went to the sitter, so we could have a date night. We kept it simple and went to Logan's Steakhouse than walked next to the river for awhile. It was nice to get a break and relax. 

Sophie LOVES Dora!


She decided to start pulling everything off the ledge, so she started using the big girl tub.
My crawling baby! She always crawls to this vent and lets the air blow on her face. She thinks it's so funny.
Sophie's play date with Savannah! Sophie is two months younger and twice her size! :)

Finally gets to wear her FIRST pair of Romeos! Just like mommy and daddy :) 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Growing baby!

When we got back from Washington, Sophie started changing a lot! We took her to her four month doctor appointment and she was 17lbs and 31 inches long! She was in the 99 percentile for weight, 94 for height, and 91 for her head circumference. Such a big girl!

Sophie started holding her own bottle, eating baby food, sitting in her stroller without the car seat, sitting up alone, and using her high chair! 

  Sophie met the Easter bunny! She enjoyed some time with mommy and daddy, and had a play date with her friend Savannah. Sophie even dressed up in her WSU cheerleader outfit and mommy loved it! So did daddy ;)


Sophie enjoyed "blending in" inside Josh's Samurai while he worked on it. 

Such a cute little Coug fan ;)

5 months old
She even started sleeping in her own bed and all night long. I was so relieved!

When Sophie was four months she started to roll over, now she is even getting close to crawling!

We very excited to hear when Sophie was five months old that we were expecting another baby! It was a huge surprise to hear, but we cannot wait. Baby is due January 22!

While I stayed home to go to school, Josh and Sophie headed to Alabama to meet the Trotter side of the family. She had a blast seeing grandma again and meeting everyone. She got spoiled like crazy, and got MORE clothes! They went to Tennessee during their trip and saw the Grand Ole Opry and where Jack Daniels Whiskey is made. 
Great Grandma Gigi And Grandpa Ryan

Josh jet skiing with cousin, Tobi

Josh and Sophie skyping with me while in Alabama

Since their trip back home, Sophie has grown even more! For Memorial Day, we went to the pool with Sophie for the first time and she got dressed up for the holiday.

Sophie now in a booster car seat, cause she weighs too much. :) 

She sits in a highchair at restaurants now!